Sunday, March 10, 2013

Now the real work begins.

It doesn't seem that long ago that I was uploading my book -- my first book -- to Amazon and hoping for the best. Of course I dreamed of big things ("You like me, you really like me!") but at the same time I was trying to ignore that part of my mind that whispered that my book wasn't any good, that you'd hate it, that you'd write mean things about me in the review section.

Two months in, I'm ecstatic that the review are positive. The first time I saw a five-star review for Cabin Fever, I couldn't stop smiling. Five stars! I was hoping that it would be OK, but five stars! I never expected that.

Since then sales have been ... well, they've been modest. I'm making a little bit of money but it's a lot closer to spare change than a livable wage. And, after all, my dream wasn't to publish one book, it was to make a living writing stories, and now I know two things:

  1. That might be possible, which is thrilling.
  2. It will take a ton of work, which is a little overwhelming.
All of which is to say, it's time to get going on my next book. I haven't enabled comments on this blog (if you have a blog, you know why -- I'd spend a bunch of time deleting the spam comments that I should really use writing) but if you have encouragement or suggestions, send them to me at janetsanders81 at gmail dot com.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cabin Fever - A Work of Contemporary Romance

Cabin Fever cover
Cabin Fever

Sarah had it all figured out. First she would conquer the startup culture in San Francisco, and once she was on top she would ... well, she'd figure that part out later. But then her life was turned upside-down: she was cheated out of her business, and she ended up in the middle of nowhere, Oregon, with an urgent need to figure out what to do with her life.

She didn't expect much in the town of Tall Pines, but what she found surprised her. The people were much nicer than she was used to, the coffee was better than she was expecting, and the man who lived down the way was much sexier than she was prepared to deal with. Sarah knew better than to get involved with a man like that. She knew better than to think that a man like that would ever be interested in her. But Tall Pines had a way of surprising her...

Read a sample (PDF)
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